

 You certainly played this game when you were a child, or even later. Check it out.

Objective - To review vocabulary/word categories.
Age level - Any
Proficiency level - Any
Materials - Sheets of paper with the grid to be completed

Decide on the type of vocabulary or category(ies) you want to assess. Make a grid with as many columns as your items and as many lines as you want your activity to last. The more lines and columns, the longer it will take to play. Let's take the examples below:
           Things you eat                things you drink               things you wear          places you go        sub-total





                   Nouns                 Adjectives                   Irregular verbs in the             Prepositions     sub-total
                                                                                      past participle





1) The teacher chooses any letter of the alphabet and writes it on the board. Students work in groups (of 3 or 4, at most) to complete all the columns with words that begin with the letter given. When the first group finishes, they shout, "STOP!!!", and all the others have to stop writing. The group that finished first reads the first word they wrote, then the second group reads theirs, then the third, and so on. They get 10 points for each original word (which has not been written by any other group) and 5 points for repeated words. If a group can't come up with an answer, they should write a "?" in the corresponding space. So their grid should look like this: Letters T          B

       Things you eat             things you drink           things you wear          places you go    SUB-  TOTAL
1-       tangerine (10)             Tea (5)                               T-shirt (5)              Tower (10)            30

2        banana (5)                    ? (0)                           bandanna (10)              beach (5)                  20

At the end, each group adds its sub-total. The group with the highest score wins.
Teacher, beware! Students usually try to continue writing when they shouldn't or "borrow"answers that previous groups have given when there is a blank space in their grid. So it's advisable to walk around and look at their grids while they are reading their answers.

VARIATION - I tried to use this game to practice language items that my students were having problems acquiring, especially because of Portuguese interference. They were: to have X there to be; wear X use; borrow X lend. Therefore, I prepared a grid like the one below. When I said time was up and we had to stop playing, one of my students jumped up and said, "But there is one more line!" I was exhilarated!!!

     I have it in my room           There is (are) this (these)            I can wear it             Your friend can lend

       in a supermarket                  at the mall                        it to you

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